Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Cognitive Goal:

Emotional Goal:

Behavioral Goal:

1. Which Ad do you like most?

Cognitive Goal, because I love how they advertise and raise awareness about the product. I love the message they are trying to imply about the service or product like the attributes and benefits, it has an impact on a person's beliefs or knowledge structure.

2. Which Ad do you like least?

Behavioral Goal, because not all of the consumers mind about online advertisements they just pretend it doesn't exist and more likely just close the ad once they see it because sometimes these ads annoys them. But not all it can also be beneficial, because if your ad is really eye catching then it's a good start.

3. Which Ad stimulated me to learn more about the brand?

Emotional Goal, because it's messaging is builds the consumers ego. It makes us feel smarter, bolder, more sophisticated, or just about any other emotion that is fundamental to our self-esteem. By making us feel better about ourself, the brand transcends mere product status and becomes a friend. This is what gives our brand that special something that builds life-long attachment. These are brands that share our values and priorities. They “get you,” and you get them.

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